
The Oto Gomes Crypto Show

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wealthy free abundant

Tune into my new podcast where I feature all things crypto.


About the show:

Early investor in the blockchain since 2013 and leader in the crypto movement, Oto Gomes has forged his success with technical skill, endless curiosity, and his ability to connect.

On the OG Crypto Show, Oto speaks with the brilliant minds and pioneers of technology, health, spirituality, business, and lifestyle to bring information, freedom, and wealth to all listeners.

Tune in each week for new episodes, and become your most abundant self!

Explore all Episodes

Leading with curiosity means accepting that you don’t know everything! As a comedian, political commentator, and internet personality, Bobby Sausalito has used radical curiosity to uncover the deepest truths and shares his findings with us today. In a world of snap judgments, Bobby’s ability to blend perspectives and be understanding of the imperfections in others...
“There’s no defense against a calm man or woman armed with the truth, and if you throw love in there it’s game over.” Award-winning filmmaker, musician, speaker, and writer Jeff Witzeman drop some TRUTH BOMBS in this one! Jeff is a valiant proponent of health freedom, and his films explore the cutting edge of healing...
“Just that feeling of ‘I don’t feel fulfilled but I’m just doing what I gotta do to pay the bills’ will slowly kill you inside.” Your emotional and spiritual wellbeing dictates your level of health and wealth! The natural healing master and dynamic wellness coach, Tania The Herbalist, skillfully explains this interconnected relationship. We hit...
“How do we get creative in the crypto space so that money is a by-product of everybody having a great time?” NFTs aren’t all about the art nor is crypto all about the money! It offers a COMPLETE paradigm shift for those tapped into the infinite abundance nature of reality. Benjamin James (@benjam) knows this...
“A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having” Authentic self-expression is KEY to making an impact in this world. As a writer, director, sketch comedy genius, activist, and philosopher, our guest Toni Nagy has cracked the code for getting her heartfelt message to the masses. Check out her incredibly unique style RIGHT NOW...
“I didn’t care about the repercussions, I HAD TO SPEAK.” As a speaker, writer, activist, and executive director, Alec Zeck’s drive for universal WELLNESS is making waves in the health and freedom movement. In just a few short years of speaking out against the dangers of certain medical technologies, Alec has risen to the top...
“You gotta be tough to follow your heart because you’re gonna take a lot of hits – but it’s worth it in the end.” David “Nino” Rodriguez is a valiant truth speaker, calling out ELITIST hypocrisy and fighting censorship. A former world-class heavyweight boxer, David now travels the country delivering a powerful and impactful message...
How can breath create positive ripples affecting ALL areas of your life?  The Black Airbender shares this largely forgotten tech, available to humanity in EVERY MOMENT! Devon has been passionately bringing this knowledge back from its ancient roots, helping thousands HEAL in the process. We discuss how crypto can be a consciousness expander, why breath...
“I have to put myself up to the LIGHT so that no DARKNESS can exist within me.” Growing up in wartime Liberia, Zondo knew only death and survival. He arrived alone in America at age 15, and found SOLACE and MEANING in his musical creations. Zondo’s incredibly unique fusion of jazz, funk, and African beats...
“Never underestimate the power of planting a seed and what a small group of people can accomplish.”  Justin Harvey has been an unstoppable force in the Floridian activist scene – working with firefighters, local politicians, and courageous fellow citizens to OVERTURN unjust mandates. Taking a stand is CONTAGIOUS and often people simply need a galvanizing...