Crypto freedom academy™

Crypto Made
Easy Accessible for you.

The ultimate course to increase your wealth with crypto

Crypto. Made. Easy.

Are you ready to:

  • ZJoin the line of everyday people who have made significant $$$ with crypto
  • ZDiscover this new world of crypto and get in while it’s still early
  • ZCreate a brighter financial future for yourself and your loved ones
  • ZLearn how myself and others have made millions+ in the crypto space

My name is Oto.

Founder of Crypto Made Easy

I’ve been in this industry for nearly a decade now, as an entrepreneur, miner, investor, and day trader. I’m here to help you increase your wealth with crypto, just like I have.
In the past 10 years, I’ve seen and experienced it all.

  • I stepped out of the rat race and left my 9-5 job as an accountant.
  • I’ve made multi-millions in crypto (using the techniques I teach).
  • I’ve gone from living in scarcity to overflowing abundance.

The Course

Crypto Made Easy

The Best Online Crypto Course
out there


22+ Video Tutorials & Walkthroughs


BlockChain, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Altcoins


Best forms of storage


How to buy and sell crypto


Best exchanges with Walkthrough


Emotional awareness during spikes and dips

What’s Included In Crypto Made Easy?

  • 22+ Video Tutorials & Walkthroughs
  • BlockChain, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Altcoins
  • Best forms of storage
  • Backup techniques so you don’t lose your crypto
  • Intention Setting Practice
  • How I Vet Coins BEFORE I Buy
  • How to buy and sell crypto
  • Best exchanges to use walkthrough
  • Transferring walkthrough
  • Abundance Mindset Tips
  • Emotional awareness during spikes and dips
  • Building your portfolio and diversifying techniques
  • How to invest long term
  • How to day trade crypto
  • The future of crypto


Private Crypto Made Easy Community
Lifetime access to the program + updates

What’s different about this course?

  • CME is a one stop shop with everything you need to know about crypto in one place.
  • The modules and content inside CME is bitesized and to the point, unlike other courses with endless content for you to have to sort through.
  • CME is a private community where we share knowledge and support each other in increasing our wealth and abundance.
  • There are consistent LIVE Q&A’s
  • Like the crypto space, CME is committed to innovating and growing with new videos and content being added as needed.

Time to Step into
Crypto Abundance Wealth

All Modules of the Course:

  • Welcome to the Course video 1
    – Instructor Video 2
  • What is crypto?
    – Blockchain 3
    – Bitcoin 4
    – Ethereum 5
    – AltCoins 6
  • Storage Overview
    – Security, Blockchain, Convenience, Quality/Reputation 7
    – Backup Techniques so you don’t lose your crypto 8
    – Cold Wallet Storage 9
    – Cold Wallet Device 10
  • Setting an Intention Video 11
    – Vetting Coins 5 Step Video 12
  • Buying & Selling Overview 13
    – Choosing Coin, Market, Stable-coin
    – Order Type, market order & limit orders and fees
    – Wallet: Main, trade, derivatives
  • How to Buy & Sell Walkthroughs
    – Beaxy >> Centralized Exchange 14
    – Metamask/Uniswap >> Cold-Storage Decentralized 15
    – Transferring Walkthrough 16
  • – Abundance Mindset 17
    – Emotional Awareness 18
    – Diversifying Techniques & Portfolio 19
    – Long Term Investing 20
    – Crypto Day Trading 21
    – Future of Crypto 22

In 2 weeks, will you wish you
started today? invested today?

Crypto Made Easy

  • 22+ Videos + Walkthroughs ($999 value)
  • Private CME Community ($599 value)
  • Lifetime access to the program ($999+ value)

Join today!

Pay in Full – $997

Pay Monthly – 11x $99